The following is a list of resources centers, run by circus organizations which are not necessarily INCAm members, which would be very useful for researching into the history and developement of circus arts.


On site or online, ARTCENA offers you a combination of multiple resources on the creation and news of street arts, circus and theater. Books, periodicals, professional guides, dramatic texts, podcasts, videos, photographs. These resources are put into perspective in thematic tours and educational tools.
This led project also brings together many reference resource partner funds.


The Circus Art Anthologies  is a multi-media web site allowing amateurs, professionals and researchers alike, to discover and understand the different circus disciplines. This project has been developed by the National Centre for Circus Arts and the French National Library (BNF). 


Online wikipedia of the international circus, featuring biographies, circus profiles, video clips, image galleries, and artwork from circus performers and organization. The Big Apple Circus ( began the development of the project in 2007, with inspiration, guidance and leadership support from the Shelley & Donald Rubin Foundation. The idea was to use the Internet to help the public better understand and appreciate circus as a global artistic and cultural phenomenon, embracing both the populist nature of the circus and the democratic technology of a free-access web archive 


Founded in 2006, SirkusInfo Finland is a national centre specialised in the development of the circus field. Its mission, among other things, is to collect and disseminate knowledge about circus, create and maintain relationships with international players in the circus scene and to support cultural exports. Circus Info reference library is located in their office at The Cable Factory and it is open to all public.


DOKUCIRCO, the Mexican Centre of Circus Documentation, supported by Cirko de Mente A.C. is a spot for conservation, consultation, reflection, production and dissemination of information regarding circus arts. This Centre is based in Mexico City and it’s one of a kind in the country and in the region. Conceived as a node of circus knowledge as well as a meeting point between creators, researchers, teachers and spectators. Dokucirco aims to stimulate the development and dissemination of the conceptual univers of circus arts. Focusing on mexican circus historical heritage the Centre points to build bridges  with other documentation and research centres and with the circus comunity around the globe.  


CARP is an online platform for academic research on circus art. Its obectives include: stimulate and strengthen collaboration between scholars interested in circus arts studies across all academic disciplines; compile an international, accessible bibliography of academic publications related to circus arts studies; list the universities and research institutions with circus-related research programs or research chairs; archives; libraries and resource centre with significant collections; institutions offering residencies to scholars, as well as relevant museum collections; inventory circus arts related research activities (programs, conferences, lectures etc.); share the most recent activities (publications etc.) in circus arts research; to facilitate a network of circus researchers around the world.  


Circostrada supports and promotes research into circus and street arts, and outdoor artistic creation in general, by regularly carrying out and publishing thematic studies and guides that shed light on innovative practices and identify the emerging trends impacting and challenging our sectors. Circostrada regularly publishes guides, studies, reports and professional directories to facilitate the circulation of artistic works, the mobility of cultural artists and professionals, and the access to resources about our sectors. This resource portal gives you access to numerous online documents produced or made available by the network and its members as well as thematic resources and an interactive map identifying other resource portals in Europe and worldwide.


Ever since Cirque du Soleil has had the resources to follow its dreams, it has chosen to be involved with at-risk youth, mainly through its social circus program, Cirque du Monde. With the aim to foster the personal and social development of these young people, Cirque du Monde offers social circus workshops, training, support and consulting services, networking and advocacy. It also compiled an online platform full of contents abd documents on social circus. The platform is no longer online, but the conncetd mapping of social circus projects around the globe still survives


Flemish Centrum of Circus Art Circuscentrum aims to turn Flanders into a flourishing circus region, with wide cultural support and the best possible development opportunities through various activities and projects. The resource center consists of more than 1.000 publications and dvds. 


DOCC (Documentazione per il Circo Contemporaneo) was founded in Torino, Italy, with the aim of allowing the free consultation of resources, books and DVDs on the world of contemporary circus by professionals in the sector, circus artists, authors, researchers and enthusiasts. DOCC also supports artists who face a creative process through its two main activities: – consultation of resources; training sessions, debates and meetings with authors, performers, playwrights and circus history scholars; artistic accompaniment agreed with the artist* or company.



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