
Fresh Circus 2018 – photo by Jérome / Vila Boris Gibé, photographic project ”Work” 

In march 2018, a year which is worldwide celebrating the 250th anniversary of circus, Bruxelles is gathering the international circus community for a very special and intensive programme. Circostrada, the european network designed to foster circus and street arts, will organize the fourth edition of “Fresh Circus” (13/15 march 2018) in collaboration with Espace Catastrophe and Wallonie-Bruxelles Théâtre/Danse. A major event, run every two years by Circostrada in a different town of Europe, attended by hundreds of professionals coming from all over the world and facilitated by an international panels of experts. The theme of this edition conference is “More Than Circus!” and is designed to encourage the circus community to critically examine the motifs and stereotypes that are associated with this rapidly evolving art form.

In the same period, a perfect corollary to Fresh Circus, Espace Catastrophe, Centre International de Création des Arts du Cirque, will run “Festival UP, biennale international du cirque”, offering to the audience a large programme of more than 30 shows spread in 13 different venues of Bruxelles (12-25 march 2018). A great opportunity for watching full-scale circus performances, a universal art form that always stays welcoming and generous, which blend a wide range of disciplines and unites audiences, borrowing from theatre, burlesque cinema, dance and fine art. For covering the making and the outputs of such an intense programming the International Network of Circus Arts Magazines (INCAM), which encompasses the media projects dealing with contemporary circus all around the world, is having its annual meeting in Bruxelles (12/16 march 2018), kindly hosted by Visit Brussels, the Bruxelles tourist agency.

Directors of media projects, coming from 11 different countries will meet in Bruxelles for covering these important events and to draw connections – between one artwork and another, between artists and audiences, between people and vital information – within the framework of new and existing ITCT. INCAM members will also take an active role in co-curating and facilitating one of the 9 topics of Fresh Circus programme, that is “The Image(s) of Circus nowadays”

Agenda: personally meet and know each other presenting its own magazine/project in details; discuss together the subjects which we all deal with in our daily activity; start exchanges and collaborations; gain recognition in the field improve contents and diffusion of the media projects; start a reflection on how we represent the field in our magazines and how to deal with the flow of available information



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