MEETING - II INCAM Meeting hosted by Festival Mirabilia

Fossano (Cuneo) – Italy – 13 / 17 june 2012


Mirabilia 2012 – photo by Andrea Macchia

Agenda: Reaching out for potential new audience, and reaching our audience better Adopting in our media project different media channel and using them at their best (press, online, video, etc…) Inviting information centres and urban theatre magazines at our meeting and investigate further collaboration Create a very simple portal web site of the european circus magazine with links to all the magazines web sites. Investigate the availability for europen culture programme which would recognise the value of our projects and support exchange and circulation of contents The need and possibility of having a stall with display copies of each magazine at major european festival Outcome the difficulties in starting common projects due to the different assets and organization of each magazine Planning collaborations, projects, next meetings and joint partecipation to european festivals Need for having more magazines partecipating to the meetings